A service of the Anglican Church of Canada and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
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St Matthew Evangelical Lutheran Church

21 Absalom St E
Mildmay, Ontario

Street Address

21 Absalom St E
Mildmay, Ontario

Postal Address

PO Box 218Mildmay, Ontario N0G 2J0

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About this congregation

At St Matthew, worship is the weekly focal point involving numerous members of the congregation. During the Church Year worship opportunities include other community denomination, ie. United and Roman Catholic. Most recently, other areas of ministry are being explored within a 'three-point' parish. This includes a children's and youth program. The 'Women's Groups' are very active in the life of the church. The parish reaches out to the community through Food Banks, Food Grains, etc. With the assistance of Faith Life we attempt to meet special needs of people in the community.

Child Care

During worship Sunday Church School is the same time. 1st two Sunday's each month. In addition, Friday evening programs are in place for all ages. this takes place in St Paul, Neustadt from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

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Mission Statement

A Lutheran family of believers, who by the grace of God and sustained by the Good News and the Holy Sacraments, exists to share in daily life its time, talents and material goods. We, through the Holy Spirit, endeavour to exemplify the teachings of Christ by example of committed action as it worships, learns, supports, witnesses and serves.


Rev Neil Thomsen


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St Matthew Evangelical Lutheran Church
21 Absalom St E
Mildmay, Ontario

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