A service of the Anglican Church of Canada and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
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St Joseph Lutheran Church

21343 Secondary Hwy #623
Hay Lakes, Alberta
Parish: Armena Lutheran Parish

Street Address

21343 Secondary Hwy #623
Hay Lakes, Alberta

Postal Address

Box 27 Armena, Alberta T0B 0G0

More Information

4 miles N, 1 1/2 mile E

About this congregation

St Joseph Lutheran is a small rural parish that is 112 years old (1907). We hold a thriving Vacation Bible School (VBS) in the summer. We are committed to a confirmation program. Our congregation embraces both liturgical and 'low-liturgy' service styles. We have a very active Ladies group and strong ties with the Hay Lakes community.

Service Times

Sunday 9:00AM Holy Communion Service on even numbered years (February 2018-January 2019). 11:00AM Holy Communion Service on odd numbered years (February 2019-January 2020)

Child Care

Sunday school is held during worship for Kindergarten to grade 6.

Accessibility Information


Mission Statement

We are people of the triune God, drawn together for worship, praise and thanksgiving: guided by the Word and nurtured by the sacraments: united in the Body of Christ and empowered with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. We reach out to each other with support, encouragement and fellowship: growing together in faith and love. We are also grateful to God that we are a family with different gifts, interests and needs serving the same Lord. As servants of Christ we will work to communicate by word and deed the renewing power of God's love to all people in our community, nation and world, so that all may become part of the body of Christ.


Rev Charlotte Strecker-Baseler


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St Joseph Lutheran Church
21343 Secondary Hwy #623
Hay Lakes, Alberta

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