A service of the Anglican Church of Canada and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
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Peace Lutheran Church

1170 Tynegrove Rd
Mississauga, Ontario L4W 3B2

Street Address

1170 Tynegrove Rd
Mississauga, Ontario L4W 3B2

Postal Address

1170 Tynegrove RdMississauga, Ontario L4W 3B2

More Information

Nearest major intersection is Burnhamthorpe and Golden Orchard (one traffic light west of Dixie).

About this congregation

The people of Peace warmly invite you... come and see!We are blessed to share space with the Church of the Holy Spirit (Anglican), who graciously welcomed us after we lost our church home of 37 years at Square One Shopping Centre due to a food court expansion. The two congregations hold separate services, but often come together for study, service, and fellowship. Join us for our weekly Bible study and prayer gathering on Tuesday evenings at 6:00 pm.We look forward to welcoming you soon!

Service Times

Sunday, 9:00 a.m. with Holy Communion. Fellowship hour follows.

Child Care

Children are welcome in worship.

Accessibility Information


Mission Statement

We are followers of Jesus Christ,a welcoming, accepting and diverse communitydoing God's work in God's world.We seek to listen, serve and shareGod's good news of love and hope.We gather to give God thanks,learn, pray, and offer hospitality to all.


Rev Susan Climo


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Peace Lutheran Church
1170 Tynegrove Rd
Mississauga, Ontario L4W 3B2

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A Joint Congregation

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