A service of the Anglican Church of Canada and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
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Lutheran Church Of The Cross

207 Ottawa Avenue West
Morris, Manitoba R0G 1K0
Parish: Rosenfeld Morris Lutheran Parish

Street Address

207 Ottawa Avenue West
Morris, Manitoba R0G 1K0

Postal Address

PO Box 716Morris, Manitoba R0G 1K0

About this congregation

Lutheran Church of the Cross worships with Morris United Chruch in the United Church building. We love people, we love to sing, and enjoy conversing over coffee and cookies before worship.

Service Times

11:00 a.m. every Sunday.

Child Care

There is an area set aside in the church for children to play with parental supervision.

Accessibility Information

There is a lift with access to all levels. A wheelchair accessible washroom is available.

Worship Language(s)


Mission Statement

Morris Lutheran Church of the Cross Mission Statement: To cultivate a strong faith community: Our mission is to foster a tight-knit, loving and faith-driven community within our church, where each member finds support, friendship and a sense of belonging on their spiritual journey. This is a place where individuals and families can grow in faith and form meaningfull connections in a welcoming and inclusive environment. Serving our local community: Committed to the teachings of Christ, we aim to extend compassion and practical help to the broader rural community, addressing local needs, charitable initiatives, sharing the love of Christ through meaningful service and outreach, and acts of kindness that reflect God's love. Inspiring spiritual growth and renewal: The church aims to facilitate spiritual growth through meaningful workshop, insightful teachings, and fostering a strong, vibrant faith community. We strive to empower individuals to deepen their connection with God, discover their unique spiritual gifts and actively live out their faith in their daily lives.


Rev. Leslie Poulin

Joint Congregation

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in CanadaThe United Church of Canada

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Lutheran Church Of The Cross
207 Ottawa Avenue West
Morris, Manitoba R0G 1K0

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