A service of the Anglican Church of Canada and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
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Lakeland Lutheran Church

75 Avenue and Highway 28
Cold Lake, Alberta

Street Address

75 Avenue and Highway 28
Cold Lake, Alberta

Postal Address

PO Box 456Cold Lake, Alberta T9M 1P1

More Information

1 km N of Tri-City Mall

About this congregation

Cold Lake, being a very transient community, has shaped Lakeland Lutheran Church into a congregation of many church backgrounds. This enables us to try new styles of worship, community fundraising events, to offer outreach in form of Vacation Bible School (up to 70 children) while providing a church home for traditional Lutherans as well. Lakeland Lutheran and its members create a very warm and welcoming atmosphere for people attending worship.

Service Times

Sunday 10:00AM Worship with Sunday School, Communion 1st & 3rd Sundays

Child Care

Nursery room is connected to worship service by speakers

Accessibility Information


Mission Statement

All baptized Christians are called to share in Christ's ministry of love and service in the world. To the glory of God, for the sake of the human family, and for all creation, we seek to use the various gifts God gives us to proclaim the Gospel and rightly administer the sacraments. We confess that Christ alone is the source of our salvation, that the Holy Scriptures are the word of God, the norm of the church's faith and life, and true witnesses to the faith and practices Christ handed down to the apostles. We accept, teach and confess our faith according to the three ecumenical creeds, the seven ecumenical councils and the Lutheran Confessions as true witnesses and faithful expositions of the Holy Scriptures. Remembering our baptism, we seek to give faithful witness in the world, that God may be known and glorified in all that we do.


Rev. John Boyd


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Lakeland Lutheran Church
75 Avenue and Highway 28
Cold Lake, Alberta

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