A service of the Anglican Church of Canada and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
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Christ Lutheran Church

501 2 Ave
Young, Saskatchewan

Street Address

501 2 Ave
Young, Saskatchewan

Postal Address

PO Box 59Young, Saskatchewan S0K 4Y0

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Service Times

Our Church has been a shared ministry since September 2009. As we grow in our ecumenical union with Young United Church we have become more understanding and accepting of one another's beliefs and traditions. We have enjoyed the learning process that has come with sharing and growing in our shared church life. We have birthday Sundays shared, along with United Church congregation serving coffee. As we share the same date for our annual Meeting we had coffee and cake on this day. Many times during the year we share the lunch workload as in funerals that are held in our church. We still take turns cleaning the church and have traditional item from both of our churches proudly displayed. We are happy to be a part of a united Lutheran Church.

Child Care

Sunday 9:30AM 2 United services - 1st Sunday communion, 2 Lutheran Services - 3rd Sunday communion;5th Sunday of the month we rotate organizing lay services or pulpit supply.;Summer Services are provided by Lutheran pulpit supply.

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Christ Lutheran Church
501 2 Ave
Young, Saskatchewan

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A Joint Congregation

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