Imagine an exciting new community of faith in Jesus with vibrant multi-lingual worship & learning where families and individuals can celebrate and grow in God‚Äö√Ñôs love, together... Come and join us this term for our Open House Sundays, including discussion groups called Alpha and Tent Theology and including loads of music and kids activities. If you've never been part of a church before, St Jax is a great place to try things out. If you're new to Montreal, St Jax is the perfect place to meet new friends from Quebec, Canada and beyond. We are very close to the Guy-Concordia metro station.
Sundays, 10:00 a.m.
Lively programmes for children and for teens
Yes. There is a ramps on the West side of the Church and an accessible bathroom.
English with a bit of French. Sometimes other languages thrown in.
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A website of the Anglican Church of Canada and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada.
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