A service of the Anglican Church of Canada and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
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St Peter Lutheran Church

Millet, Alberta

Street Address

Millet, Alberta

Postal Address

RR 2Millet, Alberta T0C 1Z0

More Information

(SW27-47-26-W4) 10 miles west of Millet, I mile south, 1/2 mile west, northside

About this congregation

We are a very active congregation especially in the areas of worship, learning, service, mission and youth ministry. We have an active Sunday School, Confirmation ministry, choir, women's groups, and a beautiful country setting. Currently we have recently returned from our second Mission experience to Mexico. We support Mulhurst Lutheran Camp nearby, and other ministries of the Church in our area.

Service Times

Sunday 10:00AM 1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday we cellebrate Holy Communion, 2nd and 4rth Sundays are Service of the Word

Child Care

We encourage and welcome children to be in worship with their parents, friends, or mentors from the congregation. We have members who are willing to sit with families and help children participate in worship, or take them out into the foyer for a time.

Accessibility Information


Mission Statement

Being and making disciples in the gracious presence of Christ Jesus


Rev. Erik Sorenson


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St Peter Lutheran Church

Millet, Alberta

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Physical Address — where your congregation meets
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